The 2024 edition of the msg Maraton Apuseni brought together more than 2000 participants and 200 volunteers in a fairytale landscape, specific to the Apuseni Mountains. The event, organized by the Romanian Alpine Club – Cluj Branch in partnership with msg Romania and technical partner La Sportiva, has already become a tradition for mountain running lovers in the country and managed to provide runners with three technical events: half-marathon, marathon and ultramarathon, a popular cross-country race for adults and a race for family teams. The competition is part of the Carpathian Circuit and includes ITRA (International Trail Running Association) indexed races and UTMB Qualifiers (80k, 40k and 20k).

Competitors and Trails

The number of competitors has increased by 34% since 2023, reaching an all-time competition record with 1876 competitors registered from home and abroad. Of these, 1528 showed up at the start, plus about 360 parents in the Family crews and 175 out-of-competition runners who ran simply for fun.

The distribution between male and female categories was 70% male and 30% female, which is gratifying as it reflects the growing interest of ladies and young ladies in this type of competition.

The trails were carefully prepared, offering varied challenges and spectacular scenery to put the destination on the European trail-running map. The runners had the opportunity to cross protected habitats of the European Community interest such as the pastoral settlements of Zăpodie, Știolne and Bocșești, the Scărița-Belioara geo-botanical reserve, alpine hollows in the Muntele Mare massif, stretches flanked by scrublands and rocky outcrops.

The distribution of participants on the official events was as follows:

  • Ultramarathon: 4.20%
  • Marathon msg: 16.10%
  • Banca Transilvania Half Marathon: 42.55%
  • Cross Garmin: 37.16%

At the same time, the ladies showed a particular preference for the Garmin cross, representing 42% of all cross runners, while the gentlemen dominated the Banca Transilvania half-marathon, representing 74% of all half-marathon runners. The marathon event was more preferred by gentlemen (82%) than by ladies (12%), while the ultramarathon still remains predominantly a gentlemen’s event (88% being men). We congratulate the ultramarathoners who joined this race and achieved outstanding results.

Outstanding Results and Performances

In the Ultramarathon race (89.2 km with D+ 4539m), the winner was Andrei-Grațian Sovereșan, who finished the race in 10 h 39 min 18 sec, setting a new record of the competition! In the women’s category, Oana Marina was first, with a time of 11 h 32 min 24 sec, again impressing with her determination and running at the pace of the mountains.

In the marathon msg race, run over a distance of 44.8 km, D+ 2531m, the first place was taken by Leonard Mitrică with a time of 4h 22 min 39 sec, closely followed by Octavian Ciorescu and Nicolae Bălan. In the women’s category, Ploșnița Adriana was the fastest with a time of 5 h 43 min 58 sec.

The Banca Transilvania half-marathon was dominated by Cristian Pop, who finished the 23.7 km with D+ 1190 m in 2h 10 min 12 sec, and in the women’s race, Ingrid Mutter finished in 2 h 25min 04 sec.

The 10km Garmin cross, with D+ 500m, was won by Daniel Attila, with a time of 45min 35sec, and in the women’s race, Ibolya Török was first in 59min 53sec.

The full ranking is available online:

In the new challenge for runners between Stăuina Runcanilor and Vâltoarea Pietrele Mărunte, a 3.1km distance of 430m+, the title of King and Queen of the Mountains 2024 was won by Oana Marina and Andre-Grațian Sovereșan.

The Family Race

In order to promote a healthy lifestyle, the concern for outdoor sports and the protection of Nature, msg Maraton Apuseni organized also this year the Family race in partnership with Gerovital by Farmec. Out of the 416 registered teams, 360 were present at the start, bringing together about 600 runners on the family trail. Being the loudest and most cheerful race, the little ones also enjoyed the biggest crowd! Mister Nicu was at his best again, organizing the long-awaited hike to the Little Stones after the awards ceremony!

Atmosphere and Organization

The event was marked by sunny weather from the start of the ultramarathon at 00:00 until the end, by the presence of approx. 200 enthusiastic volunteers and an enthusiastic public who supported the runners at the Start-Stop line. The start of the msg Maraton Apuseni has become emblematic in the country and in Europe: the ultramarathon runners take the start through a torch-lined lane in the middle of the night.

The program included activities for adults and children in the base camp and a sports exhibition in the start area with the presence of partners and sponsors. Runners enjoyed the traditional gulyas and the mega raffle at the end of the awards ceremony! At the end of the day the already established folk evening, bonfire and a small outdoor party was organized.

Impact and Community

The 2024 edition of msg Maraton Apuseni once again proved that it is more than just a sporting competition, it is an event that brings the community together and promotes the beauty of the mountains and local cultural heritage. Through the event, funds were raised for educational projects in the Băișoara area, environmental conservation and community development in the Apuseni region. In addition, the fundraising action for a defibrillator organized by the Vlădeasa Mountain Rescue was well received by the participants.

All in all, the 2024 edition of msg Maraton Apuseni is becoming a reference in the sporting calendar of the year and of the club, offering the perfect combination of sporting challenge and enjoyment of nature, consolidating its reputation as one of the most beautiful mountain marathons in Romania!

The 13th edition of msg Maraton Apuseni 2024 was made possible thanks to our partners and sponsors:

  • msg systems Romania – partner en titre
  • La Sportiva – technical partner
  • Banca Transilvania – half-marathon partner
  • Garmin Romania – cross partner
  • Farmec – Gerovital – Family race partner
  • ITRA – International Trail Running Association – index partner mountain running
  • Circuitul Carpatilor – specialized partner
  • Pro Nutrition – nutrition partner
  • Cluj County Council, Mountain Rescue Cluj, Mountain Rescue Valdeasa, Mountain Rescue Valdeasa, Forest Forest Forest, Baisoara Municipality – institutional partners
  • World Class Romania – partner fitness and pre-race warm-ups
  • Buscat Ski&Summer Resort – location partner
  • Mountex Romania, HAP de la Vlad, Adrenalin Park, ZuMont, Alpin Expe Mountain Shop, Munții Noștri, Izvorul Minunilor, Twin Motors, Fabrca de Științe, Jumping House, Fruity Sweets, Cluj Hunt, Allmountain and many others
  • – Local Guide, Radio Cluj, RockFM, Cluj Life, Transylvania Mountain Festival, MTB Odyssey – media partners

On your places, be #InTheMountainRhythm and start preparations for the 2025 edition of the msg Apuseni Marathon!