Every year, msg Maraon Apuseni adds a new milestone in its rich history, and this year is again a special one! It is with great pride and joy that we celebrate the 13th edition of this extraordinary event, bringing together runners from all over the country and abroad to experience the thrill of running on the Apuseni trails. Being the core and the main reason of this sporting event, the marathon is the dearest distance, the most coveted event and we want it to be a source of inspiration for each runner’s heart!

As runners have told us during live meetings and testimonials, running a mountain marathon can be an incredible experience, offering so much more than just a race.

  • Connecting with nature: Running in the middle of the mountains, step by step, will recharge your spirit and give you a new perspective on your surroundings, on the natural rhythm.
  • Personal challenge: A mountain marathon is clearly a great physical and mental challenge! Exceeding your own endurance limits, traversing rugged terrain with large elevation differences will help you discover an unsuspected inner strength and endurance.
  • Special community: The Mountain Marathon attracts a community of passionate and dedicated people who will draw you into a positive and supportive environment. The marathon is an exercise in willpower and tenacity. Two elements that are increasingly rare.
  • Exploring traditional places: With a suggestive motto since its founding – “Wanderers through the past” the Apuseni Marathon travels through the traditional communities of the area. Words are superfluous, the important thing is to get moving and see them for yourself,
  • Satisfaction and spiritual reward: Finishing a mountain marathon, you will experience a sense of satisfaction and achievement that is unparalleled. Overcoming all obstacles and reaching the finish line will fill you with pride and motivate you to achieve other goals in life

In conclusion, running a mountain marathon can be a transformative experience, giving you not only a race but also a journey to self-discovery.

What does the 2024 marathon trail look like?

The route is basically the same as last year, with minor measuring aids.

  • Actual length: 44.8 km
  • Elevation: +2531 m
  • ITRA points: 2 points
  • UTMB race Index
  • Feed points (PA): 5 (five)
  • Start-Finish: Șesu Cald – Buscat Ski Resort
  • Time limit: 10 h, intermediate times: La Răscruce (PA2) – 2h30min, La Răscruce (PA4) – 6h (14.00), Șesu Cald (Finiș) – 10h

We are keeping last year’s actual route this year, starting down on the blue ski slope and going around Boului Mountain, crossing from the Tisa Valley to the Boului Valley. Why we call the latter so – the easiest way is to use the advice of a wise man: those who have been before and know why, should tell those who don’t.

We kept the ascent on Pietrele Mărunte at the end and the circuit in the Scarița-Belioara reserve.

Also in terms of structure, as in previous editions, sections 1 and 4 of the Marathon coincide with the route of the Half Marathon event. Read more here: https://maratonapuseni.ro/maraton/

The kit of the marathon race at msg Maraton Apuseni 2024 includes:

  • La Sportiva t-shirt
  • 1 day vouchers at WorldClass Cluj
  • finisher medal to celebrate your achievement;
  • surprise promotional products from the sponsors;
  • a delicious traditional goulash to recharge your energy after the race.
  • Don’t miss the opportunity to secure your full kit! Register here: https://maratonapuseni.ro/inscriere/

See you at START on June 8, 2024 at Buscat Ski & Summer Resort.